|Colorado Pasture Pork

We are positive that a free ranging life is the best for our pigs, our pasture and for you.

Imagine a pig rooting, roaming and playing with his team on thirty acres of lush pasture.

We bear witness that this fine Colorado life produces the tastiest pork that you will buy.

Our Pigs
Our heritage breed pigs prefer to work for their food and are regularly moved to fresh pastures. Pigs really do graze! These highly intelligent and social animals thrive foraging, playing and exploring the cottonwood forest and lush fields here in Hotchkiss, Colorado. We take great pride offering our pigs a good life and the opportunity to fully express their pigness.
Colorado Pasture Pork Pigs
SkyPilot Farm's Mission
We believe the best tasting food comes from focusing on multi-species regenerative grazing and high standards for animal welfare. As one of the few urban livestock operations in Boulder County, our responsibility is not only to provide a high quality product, but also to improve the land and habitat and to serve as a resource for community engagement and education.
SkyPilot Farm Pork
Our pork is pastured year round and is free of hormones and antibiotics. Pigs receive a GMO and soy free ration to supplement the fresh grass and alfalfa they get on pasture. We raise primarily crosses that can include: Large Black, Berkshire, Hampshire, Gloucester Old Spot, Hereford, Tamworth, and Duroc.
About SkyPilot Farm

This is us. A few years ago we didn’t have a farm. We didn’t know whether you really needed a rooster to get eggs or not. We certainly didn’t know how to shear sheep. We lived in a loft, which we hated. At some point during our one-millionth trek up four flights of stairs to take our dog out to play, we realized that where we were wasn’t really where we wanted to be. We longed for the open spaces we had enjoyed as children in rural America, and for more space to play fetch with our Australian Shepherd, Charlie.  Where we ended-up next was more space than Charlie really needed, so we bought a couple backyard chickens. And then we bought a goat because he seemed nice, and then we got another because goats need friends, and then we figured that since we already had goats, it couldn’t hurt to have sheep, too. Pretty soon we had 30 chickens, 24 sheep, 4 dogs, a couple barn cats and a 128 Sq. ft. organic garden. And then we decided what we really needed was a farm. SkyPilot Farm was previously the Haas Family Farm. The Hass family owned this farm for over 100 years. We are proud to carry on this tradition as the new owners and to provide you, our neighbors and local community, with healthier, better tasting food.

Thanks- Chole and Craig