Queen City Coffee - Familia Cifuentes Mexico (12oz.)


About The Product: This (12oz.) bag of coffee reminds us of dulche de leche and almond butter. We've been buying coffee from the amazing Mayan Harvest producers in Chiapas, Mexico, for many years now. At this point, you're probably familiar with the community lot we purchase, grown by smallholder women farmers in the mountain town of Bella Vista and its surrounding areas. Their coffee has been a staple on our menu season after season. This past harvest, however, Mayan Harvest separated a special lot produced by the group's founder, Rosalba Cifuentes, her cousin and uncle. This coffee is that family lot, and we're so stoked to be roasting it for you all. Rosalba's story is almost too wild, dramatic, and heartbreaking to put into words. Needless to say, her reunification with her family is as inspirational as it is heartwarming. We were lucky enough to visit Rosalba and her family in 2023 and learn about her incredible life journey firsthand. Though her hometown of Bella Vista is remotely located in the breathtaking Sierra Madre de Chiapas mountain range that straddles the border between Mexico and Guatemala, the natural beauty of the area cannot mask the struggles of the region. Economic collapse, cartel violence, and climate variability have all taken their toll. Overwhelming cartel activity, in particular, has made Rosalba's steadfast commitment to producing and exporting coffee from her community all the more inspirational.

About The Company: We believe that honest relationships, from farmers to consumers, achieve an equitable and sustainable coffee supply chain. In many ways, Queen City started in the mid-2000s while we worked, researched, and played in rural Africa. From Zimbabwe to Rwanda, we spent nearly a decade coordinating humanitarian programs, organizing research projects, and kicking around on humble soccer fields with friends. We learned about community in Africa — real, honest community.

Life eventually brought us back to our roots, back to Colorado and the great city of Denver. Along the way, we indulged our passion for coffee by moonlighting as baristas and roasters, and this made our next project an easy progression — we love our farmer friends + we love our city, the Queen City of the Plains + we love coffee — so we started a company that combines all these things!

Collective coffee means we’re doing this together — we have real, tangible connection with our coffee farmers; we know the conditions of their production; we then small-batch roast their coffee in the city we love and we proudly serve it in Denver’s historic Baker neighborhood. We believe everyone is welcome to this ragtag group because good coffee should build the collective good.