Parker Pastures Vision
We strive to be excellent stewards of Creation, to promote life in all forms, to produce healthy grass-fed meats in a way that regenerates the land, to support an excellent quality of life for our family, and to have absolute honesty and integrity in all of our relationships.
Our Conversation with Bill and Kelli Parker
We visited our largest supplier, Parker Pastures in Gunnison, and sat down with Bill and Kelli Parker for an interview. We discussed holistic land management, farming as a way to regenerate the land, food as medicine, and why customers make the best business partners. You do not want to miss their incredible story!
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Parker Pastures Beef

Rancho Largo's Mission
Our primary mission is the land. We strive to adapt and survive within the ecosystem at Rancho Largo, rather than considering it separate from ourselves.
Rancho Largo: Harvesting healthy cows starts with healthy land
Over the last 22 years we built an intimate relationship with the 14,000 acres of arid grasslands and canyons that make up Rancho Largo. The ranch is home to several hundred head of cattle that participate with countless other species in a thriving ecosystem. Centuries ago, buffalo, elk, deer, antelope and big horn sheep grazed local areas and moved throughout the region in migration patterns. Elk, deer, antelope and sheep still move through these grasslands today but our cattle now fill the buffalo niche. In the most general sense, we plan grazing to mimic historic migration patterns. More specifically the seasonality, intensity and duration of grazing in a given pasture affect plant species, rain retention, the life cycles of birds, rodents, insects, bacteria and fungi, and the cycling nutrients back into the soil. Our land monitoring protocols evaluate all these interactions and drive our decision making toward overall ecological health. The best measurement of this health is ecological diversity. Rancho Largo is part of the largest intact working landscape in the entire Central Shortgrass Prairie Ecoregion.
Meet the Grissom's
Grady always dreamt of one day owning and managing his own land. After ten years away pursuing education and meeting his wife, Lynda, and having their daughter, Brooke, the Colorado-native finally returned home in 1996.