We Using pasture-raised ground chicken gives you a great low fat alternative when you need your burger craving quenched.   This simple recipe brings tons of flavor and can be made in 15 minutes.


  • 1lb pasture-raised ground chicken
  • 1/2 Cup Cilantro - finely chopped
  • 1/4 Cup Panko or Bread Crumbs
  • 2 Cloves Garlic - crushed or minced
  • 2 Green Onions - finely chop whites and greens 
  • 2 tsp fish sauce
  • 1/2 tsp salt 
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • Optional 
  • 1-2 tsp chili paste or crushed red chili
  • 1 Tbsp Oil (coconut or grape seed)


  • Slider or Burger Buns
  • Real Dill Co Habanero Horseradish Dills
  • Favorite Hot Sauce


  • Mix all ingredients (except oil) thoroughly and form into 6 patties for sliders or 4 patties for burgers.  (Ground Chicken has little fat, so the Panko or bread crumbs are crucial as a binder to hold the patties together.   Add the Panko crumbs in incrementally as you mix all the ingredients until the consistency is enough to hold the patties together - you may need more or less depending on the moisture and leanness of the ground chicken)
  • If cooking in a pan or griddle lightly coat the cooking surface with the oil and cook over medium high heat for 3-4 min per side.     You want the juices to run clear when pierced and the patties to feel firm to the touch.
  • If cooking on a grill lightly coat each chicken patty with oil on both sides and cook over a hot grill for ~3 min per side.   You want the juices to run clear when pierced and the patties to feel firm to the touch.
  • Pro-tip - If grilling use more Panko crumbs to get a firmer raw chicken patty, which prevents the patty from sticking between the grates, or use a cast iron griddle on the grill to prevent flame ups and sticking.

  • Place burgers on buns, pour on some hot sauce (Blonde Beard Black Magic or Sambel Chili Paste are my favorites) and give your slider a sidekick of Real Dill Co Habanero Horseradish Dills
Written by JT Eberly

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